ENCsc – Network Encryption Traffic Classification Software
The ENCsc Technology:
Continued trends toward more enhanced web security and the adoption of TLS1.3 and ESNI have created a major challenge for legitimate traffic inspection use-cases. Traditional classification technologies such as DPI are no longer effective at addressing the demand leaving users with inadequate visibility. ENCsc’s novel AI technology bridges the gap by supporting accurate traffic classification irrespective of the presence of encryption. Moreover, its classification engine is always up-to-date due to the standalone automated traffic labelling module, thereby ensuring high classification accuracy in an evolving security landscape.
ENCsc will provide the following capabilities:
– Classification of traffic classes and detection of applications within encrypted traffic
– High accuracy with low false positives
– Big data framework
– Up to 10 Gbps throughput
– Rapid ML model creation
– Standalone automated traffic labeling/annotation with human-in-the-loop
– Effective lawful intercept analysis
– Equipment vendors and CSPs can regain visibility (security/performance, etc.)
The Business Opportunity:
“Gartner predicts that 80% of web traffic will be encrypted – and this will only increase ” The opportunity is to acquire or licence a copy of this leading Encrypted Traffic Classification & Labelling technology to augment your existing software solutions, to gain new momentum and differentiation in the crowded Network Security/Performance monitoring space. In doing this, you will quickly gain access to this proven and competitive technology that could be integrated into your existing product suites for quick marketing and increased revenue.
Increase your top-line by licensing the ENCsc product and technology expertise:
– Full support of the core technology and access to future R&D developments
– Mitigate the cost and risk of developing a new product to address this growing lucrative market
– Access to ENCsc top management and executive thought leadership
– Gain access to hard-to-develop proprietary & advanced technology with patents pending
In summary, ENCsc will contribute to the revenue, growth and competitiveness of the right strategic corporate partner.
Commercial arrangements are flexible and can be customized to meet your business model.
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